31st October – 6th November 2011

Monday 31st October

Bike maintainence/ tool club 1-6pm
Pedal MCR will be visiting the OK Cafe for one afternoon only to help us all sort our bikes out and teach us some bike-fixing skillz.

Polyamory and communication in relationships 6-8pm
What is polyamory? Find out in this workshop with an opportunity to discuss with others their experiences.

Tuesday 1st November

World Vegan Day Banquet! 6-10pm
A showcase of vegan cooking for world vegan day! Come along and get involved!

Strategy Lab 6-8.30pm
The world is being rocked by both financial and political crisis and those that seek to struggle against them. From Egypt to Italy, the United States to here in the UK people are marching, meeting and occupying.  How do we relate to this as people involved in anti-capitalist politics? What can we do to develop and further those movements and struggles that already exist and can we help bring new forms of politics to life? This workshop will seek to begin analysing the current shape of things and discussing what a political strategy for Manchester could look like.

Anarchist bookfair open planning meeting 7-9pm
Come along and help plan the next anarchist bookfair in Manchester

Open Mic Night 8-11pm
Bring your songs, skills and talents to entertain us all for an evening

Wednesday 2nd November

Share learning languages- Lesson 3 5-7pm
3rd lesson for begginers. You can choose 2nd lesson for begginers. You can choose From Italian, Spanish or French

Towards a long term social centre??  7-9pm
After the taste of OKcafe, dont we want something more long term? Evening of information and discussion toward a social future

Thursday 3rd November

Theatre of the Oppressed workshop 2-4.30pm
Introduction to the Theatre of the Oppressed. Created by Brazilian theatre activist Augusto Boal and influenced by the educator and theorist Paulo Freire. A set of techniques and  methods that can be used to transform reality and empower communities. It will include theatre games, image theatre and time for discussion. The workshop will take you through a process so please come on time and stay until the end. No acting or theatre experience is required just come with an open mind.

Making stuff out of rubbish! 2-4pm
Does what it says on the tin. Belts out of inner tubes, wallets out of tetra packs…laptops out of cereal boxes…yeah!

Behavioural change and activism workshop 7-9pm
A workshop on behavioural change and activism – about the insights that psychology can give us into the motivations behind people starting to take an action on political issues.

OK Cafe Poetry Night 9-11pm
An evening of poetry and cake, what could be more delightful!?

Friday 4th November

Zapatista workshop 2-4pm
Who are the Zapatistas?

Red and Black Press 6-8pm
A discussion about setting up a radical publishers/distro in Manchester.

Saturday 5th November

Yoga for Everybody 11-12.30pm
A yoga session for everybody, no previous experience required.

Pick n Mix Tea 2-5pm
Make your own tea!

Documentary:Greek Youth Riots, a vicious cycle of the economic crisis and violence 3-5pm
As the financial crisis weighs heavily on Greece, the country seems trapped in a cycle of violence. But discontent over the misuse of power has long been simmering. Greek youths reflect on how the killing of a teenager by police in 2008 changed their lives and how the austerity measures of 2011 have led to a recurring cycle of demonstrations and continued police brutality.
50 min documentary (Al Jazeera) and 1 hour discussion

Bonfire Party! 8-midnight
A gig for Guy Fawkes, and a fundraiser for the Dale Farm campaign

Sunday 6th November

Hangover Breakfast 10am-12.30pm
As it says on the tin

The Loiterers Resistance on psychogeography 2-4pm
A workshop on psychogeography looking at the Situationist movement, public/ private space, walking as radical practice and the general idea of loitering as a way to reclaim the city for fun. After the talking we might go for some sort of walk.

Piano session 6-8pm
Another chilled-out round up to the cafe

2 Responses to 31st October – 6th November 2011

  1. amanda says:

    I love it – best squat event agenda I’ve ever seen

  2. Lesley says:

    Great stuff – Would love to come to the psychology w/shop on Thursday but might not be able to make it – tis a long way over them Pennines for us – but will try the bonfire party x

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